FRIDAY March 14, 2014 Meeting of the WPA Chesterton Society
Greetings WPA Chestertonians and Friends!
..."What is a week end?"... This question was artfully posed by Lady Violet in an early episode of the popular Brit TV drama "Downton Abby". The best answer I could give her (in my best American accent) would be, "It's the couple of days that follow Friday." Here in the WPA Chesterton Society we are switching our meetings from the second Thursday to the second Friday of each month. It is our hope that the Friday time slot will result in a more relaxed evening, heading into the week end for the working folk amongst us, many of whom travel a distance to attend the meetings.
Our March meeting marks the second Friday of Lent and the beginning of our new meeting schedule. Hopefully, these two things will have little to do with each other besides their common time slot in the week! We will be continuing our discussion of G.K. Chesterton's book Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized Society.
The schedule of chapters remaining for discussion follows:
March 14: Chapters 5-10
April 11: Chapters 12-17
Information about the book and where to find it are posted in the January entry of this blog page.
Reading the chapters before the meeting is strongly encouraged, but please don't stay away from the meeting just because you haven't gotten through them!
May 9, June 13 and July 11, 2014
For our May and June meetings we will read selections (to be announced) from Chesterton’s biographical essay compilation Varied Types. In July we are planning an undoubtedly rollicking discussion of the novel The Ball and the Cross.
July 31-August 2
These are the dates for the American Chesterton Society's annual conference. This year's event will take place at Mundelein University, in the Chicago area. Below is an announcement that appeared on the ACS Facebook page earlier this week.
**ATTN LATE REGISTRANTS** In the past some attendees have elected to wait and register for the conference as we approach the date of the event. Due to capacity restrictions at Mundelein, seating is limited this year, so make sure to register as soon as possible. Registration for the 33rd Annual Chesterton Conference is on a first come, first served basis. There will be no walk-in registrations this year and we expect to be at full capacity within the next 30 days.
Full conference information is available on the ACS website,
As usual...
Our meetings are held in the Village of Middle Lancaster, at the Lancaster Township Community Center located on Kings Alley and Community Center Drive, in Butler County PA. Kings Ally is off of Rt. 19 approx. 4.5 miles north of Zelienople, and just north of the Zion Lutheran Church and just south of East Lancaster Road. (The Community Center is a former one room school house, adjacent to the ball fields at Bauder Park.) The doors open at 7:00pm for pot luck refreshments, with the discussion beginning at 7:30. The meeting wraps up sometime around 9:30pm.
Please consider bringing something for the refreshment table, and as always, feel free to email me at if you have and questions or comments.
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